Rich URL for Chrome

work with information in a format that suits you best

How to install

To install the Rich URL extension, go to the Chrome Web Store via this link and click “Add to Chrome”

Installing the Rich URL extension

Installing the Rich URL extension

Confirm the permissions1 by clicking on the “Add extension” button

Confirmation of permissions

Confirmation of permissions

After that, the icon of the extension will appear in the browser panel and you can proceed to the configuration and use of the extension.

Extension button on the browser panel

Extension button on the browser panel

Find out more about:

  1. Permission “Read and change all your data on the websites you visit” is requested by the extension to embed a script on the pages that provides keyboard shortcuts and access to the selected text on the page. “Display notifications” – to inform about the features of new versions of the extension. “Modify data you copy and paste” – to access the clipboard. ↩︎